Band is a great way to learn how to play an instrument, learn new music, and be a part of a unique team.
Meeting Days: Depends on instrument
Time: Before school
Fee: Rental fee for instrument varies
Contact: Mr. Aswegan and Mr. Westgate
Bullpups sing, perform, & have lots of fun! Emphasis on warm-ups to develop our vocal instrument. Performances throughout the year, including possible field trips.
Meeting Days: Wednesdays (starts late fall)
Time: 8-8:40 am
Fee: None. Students will have the opportunity to order a free Bullpup Chorus t-shirt.
Contact: Mr. Lunk
Students check in books (must be members of student council to participate)
Meeting Days: Monday - Thursday (once or twice per month)
Time: 8:50-9:10 am
Fee: None.
Contact: Mrs. Vick and Mrs. Wagner
Students will record morning announcements (must be a member of student council to participate).
Meeting Days: Wednesday mornings (all year-long)
Time: During the school day
Contact: Mrs. Mazur and Mr. Salfer
Students will engage in the art-making process using various media.
Meeting Days: Fridays (starts 2nd semester)
Fee: None. Families may be asked to donate certain materials if possible.
Contact: Mrs. O'Reilly
Students will serve as reps for grade levels and organize service projects.
Meeting Days: Periodically throughout the year
Time: Lunch
Contact: Mr. Keller and Mrs. O'Leary
CHS Coding Club teaches 5th graders how to write code using a Micro:Bit.
Meeting Days: Wednesdays (runs for 6 weeks starting end of September)
Time: 3:35-4:30 pm
Fee: TBD
Contact: Ms. Stacy Lesmeister, Mrs. O’Leary, and Mr. Keller
Students will learn how to make maple syrup.
Meeting Days: TBD
Time: 3:35-4:00 pm
Fee: None
Contact: Mr. Keller